thematic theatre workshop
for primary and secondary school students
thematic theatre workshop
conducted by Savino Genovese e Viren Beltramo
The infinite spaces of fantasy
My tongue could not speak what stirred within me…
Edgar Lee Masters
The workshop implies the participation of the students in the active practice of the expressive means of the theater and will work on the activation of those most hidden and surprising physical and psychic energies of the individual and of the entire participating community, necessary for an entertaining and at the same time theatrical listening. unknown, exploring the infinite spaces of fantasy.
The workshop will focus on one of these themes of your choice:
- Food disorders
- Memory of the Shoa
- Video game addiction
Or it could be a path of:
- In-depth study of a theme or an author, present in the study program
Whatever the choice of theme or author, the proposed path will not be a theatrical animation, but a real workshop, which will end with a performance, a journey that will lead to the staging of a show chosen by the participants ,in agreement with the teacher, who will be the point of arrival and verification of the work done and what has been experienced.

the workshop is divided into:
- approach to phonè by listening and emitting sounds, introduction to correct diction and correct use of the voice;
- gradual awareness of one’s expressive and interpretative skills through work on the body, rhythms, the subject’s relationship with space, the expressiveness of the face and of the whole person;
- exploration of the group-individual, individual-public relationship;
- exploration of the possible applications of the actor’s tools to the daily life of each individual participant;
- creation or adaptation of a dramaturgical text
- collective creation of a performance and staging;
- memory training in relation to others and stage movements and learning of mnemonic techniques.
The workshop is divided into 10 meetings of 2 hours each, plus the full day of the final staging. Maximum number of participants: 30 people. Minimum number: 10 people.